Getting Prepared for Transplant…Please Write to Gavy Before Transplant!

Well, we are in a hurry to get nothing done. We have a long “honey-do” list, but it just seems like it just keeps growing and the check offs aren’t coming! Gav is doing pretty good. He’s vomiting quite a bit again at night, but we are increasing his epogen and I think that is what he is allergic to. Unfortunately for him, we can’t stop, because then he would need a blood transfusion before transplant and that would really complicate transplant.

We just can’t wait for the 27th, everyday that goes by, we do a little happy dance! Gav is starting to say “no” and “ouch” to pretty much everything. He’s starting to become a little more interested in signs, and is signing “more” now, and we are working on animals and animal noises. We went to the zoo the other day and he loved it. The monkeys were his particular favorite, along with pretty much every other animal that we saw. Gavy was doing his signature joint hand/foot clapping, which signifies his ultimate baby happiness moment!

He is getting so much stronger and is starting to walk with his walker on his own. He takes about a good fifteen steps now and gets tuckered out and wants his mama, but he is getting ready to try and stand on his own as well. Of course I think this is the time. They say that he will feel so much better after transplant that it only takes him around three days (barring no complications) to want to take on the world. I am a little nervous because he is going to have a blood draw cath from his neck, that comes out of his stomach. I hate those lines, anything that we are responsible for that could cause him to bleed out, just freaks me out, so I am getting increasingly anal on trying to find ways to uber-organize our lives so Jay isn’t so overwhelmed (which I have to say I am failing miserably at)!

Lauren just started her 4K on Thursday, which is good since she wants to become a Polly Pocket someday (I told her Polly Pockets have their doctorate degree, so she’s ready for the educational haul). She came home spinning and clapping and saying that she met a new friend already. I think that will be great for her, a little structure and out for a couple of hours a day in the midst of this chaos. It’s already coming in handy because she is coaching me with my balance ball exercises, she said she can help, just like her teacher (look up to the sky, follow the teacher, you’re not doing it right mom… it’s an interesting work out with her). We watched a movie (Lauren’s ultimate indulgence), Mary Poppins, and she decided that she also needed a red umbrella, “so I could fly away when I didn’t like your attitude to Grams house.” Sometimes, seriously, I can’t even believe what she comes out with.

Jay is super excited now that football started, and has joined about 168 fantasy leagues. He is also very tied up in the baseball chase between the Cubs and Brewers, which I hear about everyday, I think I may be able to commentate about it on ESPN. He’s a proud Papa now that Lulu’s in school, he came back early that day to see her when she got out, so he brought the spinning little school girl home. He is getting used to my new hair, I cut off ten inches and donated it to locks for love. We have to get the minivan fixed again because it’s making a monstrous noise, which I can not tune out by turning on the stereo(insert a good kick to the minivan here). Car repairs are high on the list of “strong dislikes”…the “hate” word has been ruled out in the house now, so we can only strongly dislike things…

Jay and I would hope that if you’ve been moved by Gavin’s story through his website, please write him a special note in his guestbook before his transplant surgery set for September 27, 2007. We will print out each one and read them to him the night before his surgery, so he knows who is all praying for him and how he has touched their lives or encouraging words, whatever moves you…for now, we are putting one foot in front of another, and awaiting another miracle! May you see beauty in your day!


5 thoughts on “Getting Prepared for Transplant…Please Write to Gavy Before Transplant!

  1. Hi Gavin,

    I am so glad you are starting to walk and get to know your World:) It sure sounds like you have a wonderful Mommy and Daddy, and of course your big Sister:) We are praying for you!

    With Love in Christ,

    Jordan and Ian (6 months)

  2. Hello Gavin,

    Want to say how much we love you. We will pray for you and your mom and family that all goes well with the kidney transplant. Jill and Jay, Lauren and Gavin, your family has truly touched the hearts of all of us here. You are true inspirers of what life is meant to be and how precious life is. Gavin, we need to talk, can you sign GO BREWERS GO! Take care you guys and thanks for all the sharing.
    LOL – Mark

  3. (((GAVIN))) Just wanted to let you know that we are sending up prayers from Oklahoma for Gavin and his family. My son Blake just recently had a kidney transplant 8/29/2007. He had a rough beginning, but is doing GREAT! I am not sure how we stumbled upon your site… maybe it’s just one of those serendipity things. Best wishes for you and your family. Love Blake and Stephanie

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